Crude Oil Drilling Exploartion

KG OIL & Gas, LLP’ holds a strong conviction that Kazakhstan presents vast untapped exploration opportunities, both in offshore and onshore regions. In recent years, the company has embarked on offshore exploration endeavors in areas including Liman, Taisogan, R-9, and the vicinity surrounding the Uzen and Karamandybas fields. These exploration activities have comprehensively surveyed the surface to depths ranging from 3 to 3.5 kilometers.

However, KG OIL & Gas, LLP’ firmly believes that substantial prospective resources lie even deeper, particularly within the subsalt layers. ongue.    

Our Drilling Expertise

This underscores the company's commitment to pushing the boundaries of exploration to unlock the full potential of these valuable energy resources in Kazakhstan.

Our company benefits from a notable advantage when it comes to accessing premium exploration acreage. The company has established a favorable relationship with the government, allowing it to secure access to new territories through direct negotiations and enjoy pre-emption rights to acquire existing oil and gas assets when they are put up for sale. This strategic position empowers KG OIL & Gas, LLP’ to consistently broaden its exploration portfolio and effectively compete with some of the world's foremost oil companies.


Attracting  more ​investments opportunities in work space automation, investing in the right people, on-going innovation, and seeing and grasping opportunities. Yet safety always comes first.


Achieving the goal of refining safe and efficient petrochemical products at a competitive cost requires a strategic approach and a focus on continuous improvement in daily activities at the refinery.

our ambitions

Staying relevant and fostering growth in the oil business industry requires a strategic approach that involves expanding markets and diversifying the range of products stored. 

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Crude oil By-products refined


Crude oil Drilling Projects Successfully Executed


Gas Distribution Networks Accross Europe


Satisfied Customers